Alzheimer's disease and the Early Symptoms of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that destroys short term memory and thinking skills.

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that destroys short term memory and thinking skills.

Over time the disease robs the person living with dementia to perform simple tasks living dressing and bathing. These are tasks that we take for granted.

The following are 10 symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

  1. Loss of short term memory
  2. Placing belongings in odd places and difficulty finding things. This often includes things of value like a wallet, purse, or jewelry.
  3. Difficulty finding finding the right word to say.
  4. Often show uncharacteristic behaviors that seem out of character
  5. Lapses in judgement
  6. Difficulty handling money and the checkbook
  7. Disorientation in both familiar, and more often, in unfamiliar places
  8. Sometime become withdrawn and often want to avoid social setting likes birthdays and holidays
  9. Difficulty performing routine tasks, or become very slow at doing things like dressing themselves
  10. Often become irritable, confused, and angry or mean when they become confused.

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I am an Alzheimer's Caregiver is a companion site of the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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